
Image of a young male student who working on an online class for Connecions Academy.

Planning for the future might seem daunting when you are still in high school, but it is an important step for students and their parents to take as graduation day gets closer. 当你高中毕业的时候,你应该感到高兴 为未来的工作做好准备 并拥有作为成年人茁壮成长所需的技能.

But how do you know if you’re really prepared for what comes after high school? There's no way of exacly knowing what to do after graduating, but you can help make the transition more manageable if you break up your objectives into a few categories: academic, 专业, 金融, 和个人.


There are so many options to consider for your plans for after high school, 这可能会让你觉得有点难以承受. 你应该上四年制大学还是两年制大学? 职业学校是更好的选择吗?  


首先想想自己的技能, 反思你的兴趣, 的优势, and long-term goals and explore how different educational programs might align with them. Making a list to compare and contrast these options will help you get a better idea of the path you want to follow.


  • Do you want to go to a four-year college, a community college, or a trade school?
  • 你想学习或提高什么技能?
  • 你考虑的前三所学校是哪一所?
  • 你是什么? 专业前三名?
  • 你选择的专业如何与你的职业规划相一致?
  • 你计划过间隔年吗?

它也可以帮助你接触指导顾问, 老师, 以及在制定全面计划方面提供支持的导师. Don’t forget to stay flexible and open to new opportunities, 因为你的学术道路和优先级可能会随着时间的推移而变化. 

Image of a young female 推荐正规买球平台 student in a pink sweater wearing white headphones looking at her laptop.


就像你的教育计划一样, 在考虑未来的职业时,这一点很重要, 评估你的技能和兴趣所在. While not every skill will lead to a profession you might want to pursue, 它们可以适用于你可能感兴趣的东西. 更不用说, if you’re hoping to get into a specific line of work you may want to start lining up internships, training programs, or volunteer work 与你的职业道路相关,以获得对该行业的感觉.

此外,寻求来自的建议 那些已经从事你感兴趣的职业的人 or who might be able to get your foot in the door is a great step. 


仔细考虑你想走的路, it could be helpful to ask yourself some of these questions: 

  • 你对哪个领域或行业感兴趣?
  • 你有想从事的特定职业吗?
  • Is it more important to make a lot of money, do what you enjoy, or to help other people?
  • 你有特别想为之工作的公司吗?
  • 你想因为工作原因搬家吗?
  • Will you need a portfolio of sample work for this occupation?
  • If you could design the ideal job for you, what would it look like? 

把上面这些当做高中毕业后的清单, and it’s important to continuously update and refine your plan as you gather more information and your interests evolve. By taking a thoughtful and proactive approach to planning your 专业 future, you can set yourself on a path towards a fulfilling and successful career


One of the most important things about learning what to do after high school and entering into adulthood, is 金融知识. Some of the most important steps to take first are opening up your own bank account, 学习如何预算, and applying for a low-interest credit card to start building up your credit. 


To test out your 金融 knowledge and to get an idea of your spending habits, 试着监控你三个月的开销.

在第一个月, just record what you normally spend and save so you can get an idea of what your typical budget looks like. 然后在每个月底问自己这些问题:

  • 你超支了吗??
  • 你存了多少钱?
  • 你有负债吗?
  • 到月底你的账户里还剩多少钱?

在第二个月, you’ll want to create a budget and commit yourself to paying off any debts you might have accrued in month one and ask yourself those same questions.

When you reach month three, you’ll want to check if there’s been any changes month to month. This activity will give you a chance to truly experience how to handle money and budget effectively for your expenses. This activity will teach you to start living within your means and spending mindfully. 

Image of a young female 推荐正规买球平台 student in a yellow sweater looking at her laptop making a list about her future plans.


One of the most critical things you can work on as you’re planning for graduation is your emotional health. 你想成为什么样的人, 你想怎样成长, and what do you want your relationships to look like with others? Life after high school comes with a lot of change and being able to handle that, 成熟, and become more self-sufficient will help you greatly as you get older. 


Some things to focus on when it comes to considering your emotional health and maturity are: 

  • 什么让你快乐??
  • 是什么激励着你?
  • 你如何处理压力?
  • 你能很好地处理冲突吗?
  • 你怎么照顾自己?
  • 你如何调节情绪? 

这些问题可能看起来很愚蠢, or you might not be certain how to answer them at the moment, but they are key to becoming the best version of yourself you can be. You’ll meet all kinds of people and face so many new things once you graduate from high school that prioritizing your emotional wellness is vital to staying happy and healthy. 

当你接受这些新的挑战, having a plan in place and starting to create avenues for emotional growth will help to keep you stable. 更不用说, you’ll be more confident in your plans for the future if you’ve taken time to review and reflect on all of your options before making decisions. 提前计划可能很可怕, but it will make the path forward less uncertain and will allow for this time of transition to be exciting rather than daunting.

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